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The 2024 State of the Media Report

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How Close Are Marketers to Solving Attribution?

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Getting the Most Out of Measuring Earned Media’s Impact on Business

According to Cision, 60% of marketers report a lack of confidence in knowing what people do after consuming earned media content. Measuring earned media’s impact on real business outcomes hasn’t been easy for marketers. Worse, elusive ROI devalues their efforts and puts budgets on shaky ground. 

Yet, as the cliché goes, necessity is the mother of invention. Emerging technology and best practices are beginning to shed light on earned media’s impact on the business. Marketers are making clear progress, although there’s still a long way to go. 

Join this webinar as the CMO Council and Cision explore the truth about earned media attribution. Learn what you can realistically expect today. Understand where the big holes lie and what to do about them. Get a glimpse into earned media attribution’s future. 




Meet the Speakers

Randy Frisch
Randy Frisch
Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder
Sunita Menon
Sunita Menon
Executive Director and Chief of Staff to CCO
Warren Kay
Warren Kay
Interim Chief Marketing Officer, Cision
Sally Lopez
Sally Lopez
Director of Marketing Programs and Operations, CMO Council