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The 2024 State of the Media Report

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How Brands Can Battle Misinformation (And Why They Need To)

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According to the 2023 State of the Media Report, “maintaining credibility as a trusted news source and combating accusations of ‘fake news’” was the biggest challenge for the media last year. Additionally, “battling misinformation” was among the top three personal struggles for journalists. 

In an era of rapidly spreading information, fueled by the internet and social media, the battle against misinformation has become a critical concern for not just the media, but individuals, organizations, and society at large. While the responsibility to combat misinformation often falls on governments and media outlets, brands – and the PR and comms teams behind them – play a pivotal role in this fight, as well.

The Rise of Misinformation

Misinformation is not a new phenomenon, but the digital age has amplified its impact. False information, rumors, and conspiracy theories can now spread like wildfire, reaching millions of people within seconds. Brands are not passive entities in the information ecosystem; they are active participants. They produce content, engage with customers, and influence public opinion. As such, they have a moral and ethical responsibility to ensure the information they disseminate is accurate and reliable. They can also be victims of misinformation as well, which amplifies the stakes and provides added incentive take a leading role in battling fake news and other potentially harmful content.

The Importance of Combatting Misinformation

How Brands Can Battle Misinformation

No one individual or brand is helpless to stop the spread of misinformation. Here are a few ways to actively stop or slow its spread and eliminate or mitigate any potential harm.

One way Cision is actively helping brands battle misinformation is through Risk Score, a feature of our comprehensive CisionOne platform. Risk Score uses natural language processing (NLP) technology, a version of AI, to identify fake news, hate speech, racism and other harmful language – including mis- or disinformation – across social media and other platforms. With the advanced ability to identify content that might be misleading in real time, brands can act quickly to correct such content and redirect the narrative.

Misinformation is a pervasive issue today, and brands can no longer remain passive observers. They must actively engage in the battle against misinformation to protect their reputation, uphold corporate social responsibility, and maintain the trust of their customers.

To find out more about how leading PR and comms teams partner with Cision to identify content that can impact their brands, schedule time to speak with an expert today or take a tour of our new, all-in-one, AI-powered platform, CisionOne.

About Antony Cousins
About Antony Cousins

Antony spent a decade in artificial intelligence technology leadership roles, including serving as the CEO of Factmata, an AI marketing technology company focused on identifying fake news and other forms of harmful online content.

As Executive Director for AI Strategy, he is responsible for advancing Cision's AI strategy. Antony oversees the development of powerful generative text–driven solutions with the reliability that corporate, government and agency communications teams demand, and works to ensure the continuous, responsible and ethical development of AI solutions for the PR and communications industry.