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The 2024 State of the Media Report

Get actionable insight from 3,000+ journalists on what they truly want and need from PR teams.

Looking Back, Moving Forward


What This Year Taught Us About Communications

If public relations and marketing professionals can squeeze anything good out of 2020, it’s how the constant barrage of upset and change can prepare us for 2021 – and beyond. While we certainly caution you against setting any upcoming plans in stone, planning is still necessary; just keep it flexible.

Use what remains of this year to reflect on recent lessons learned— and you’ll be positioned to dodge whatever lies ahead better than ever before. We’ve outlined the best practices to carry from this year into the next.

Download the White Paper to Learn:

  • Top lessons learned from 2020
  • How to pivot your existing comms strategy
  • Tips for standing out in a noisy news cycle
  • And more