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The 2024 State of the Media Report

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Crisis Communications in the Age of Digital PR

20% of PR experts don't do crisis management

Top Playbook Tactics:

  • Establish chain of command: Secure a direct line from the PR team to CEO
  • Keep your ear to the ground: Constant measuring of industry data social spikes
  • Grab the crisis bucket: Reach out to your (prepared) influencer short-list

In today's digital age, news spreads everywhere. Instantly. And if crisis strikes…it's already too late if you don't have a prepared strategy. So we're sharing our best PR crisis tactics with you.

The key to handling a PR crisis boils down to one thing…already having a strategy in place.

Next time there's a crisis, you can pull your virtual copy of Crisis Communications in the Age of Digital PR off the shelves, and tackle your crisis before it's even begun.