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The 2024 State of the Media Report

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The Perceptions of Sustainability

The perceptions of sustainability

Learn what consumers are saying about brands' environmental efforts

Organizations are increasingly focusing on fighting climate change by implementing more sustainable practices. Survey after survey indicates that both executives and consumers agree there is a global climate emergency. Consequently, organizations practicing sustainability are being financially rewarded for their efforts. However, companies are still being accused of greenwashing, which is the act of disseminating conflicting or misleading information to present an environmentally responsible public image.

Using Brandwatch’s Consumer Research tool, Cision and IPR analyzed over 170K Twitter posts to determine the attitudes of consumers, employees, and other key stakeholders toward sustainability and how well companies are doing in fighting climate change.

The terms analyzed in this research report include:

  • Carbon Footprint/Offset
  • Corporate Sustainability Practices
  • Corporate Regulation
  • Greenwashing
  • Supply Chain

This study identifies three camps of social media users (concerned, unconvinced, and dismissive) and presents recommendations for communicators