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How to Pitch Fashion Journalists Today

Five tips for breaking though a crowded inbox.

Much like every aspect of our lives, the pandemic has also made it that much harder for fashion brands and PR to break though the noise of a journalist’s crowded inbox. We asked members of the fashion media to tell us, in the age of Covid-19, what’s working and what’s not. Below is a compilation of their advice.

Not everyone is looking for a Covid-19 angle

Learn about what the journalist or influencer is looking for. While the resulting article might ultimately reflect or mention it, COVID/post-COVID, as a theme, is not a litmus test for whether a person writes about something anymore. Instead, send pitches on why the pandemic proved to be a fundamental time for newness and creativity.

Find the right tone, should you decide to pitch a Covid-19 angle 

Don’t use the pandemic as an icebreaker. Be sure your pitch is backed by facts and relevant to the journalist’s preferences or the outlet in general. Inasmuch as many have returned to the office and fashion week is officially back with live shows, the world is still in a pandemic, and tailoring your pitch with sensitivity and a personal touch will push you on top of the Inbox. Because the bottom line is: How a brand appears during the pandemic could impact how people see them for years come.

Keep journalists’ audiences in mind

The top priority of fashion media is their audience, so keeping their readers in mind while pitching will set you apart immediately. Remind journalists how working with you will benefit their readers. How will your product affect their audience? Offer a news hook and explain why they need to cover something now.  Showing consideration for someone’s readers also shows that you have indeed done your research and are not simply sending a mass pitch.

Don’t be overbearing

An overly aggressive PR professional is a huge turn-off for any journalist. Constant follow-ups or blasting a pitch more than once will not result in placement, but rather will land your pitch in the trash or the spam folder. Follow-up phone calls are a big pet-peeve. Most journalists will give submitted materials due consideration and, if interested, will contact you. Be respectful of their time, and in turn, they will be respectful of your pitch.

Stay on top of your story

As the year wears on, fashion editors reacting to a changing news environment may be looking for new and different angles for scheduled stories. Plan to revisit the outlet’s editorial calendar throughout the year with fresh ideas that will put you at the front of the line.

Anna Marevska

Anna Marevska is an editor and writer for Cision Blog, and writes media updates, media influencer and industry features. She is also the senior manager of content and client data at Cision’s research department, and the editor of Find her on Instagram @AnnaMar3.