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Getting CFO Buy-In for Your PR and Marketing Software

Getting C-suite buy-in for new PR and Marketing software is a tall order – aside from getting time on their calendar, you also need to convince them that the benefits will outweigh the costs.

PR and marketing software is much more sophisticated than it once was. They can help you gather the right data and analytics that are essential for effective PR, marketing and communications strategies (and for proving that effectiveness). As Cision CMO Maggie Lower explains in a recent blog post, analytics help you target the right audiences, understand the impact of your efforts, justify budgets – and help you pivot quickly (like when the world goes all 2020 on you).

But while you may already know all of this, as the person who holds the company purse strings, your CFO may need some convincing. If you’re looking to invest in better technology and analytics, follow these tips to get buy-in from the financial powers that be.

4 Steps to Getting CFO Buy-In for New PR and Marketing Software:

  1. Do your research and come prepared: Finding the right PR and marketing software vendor is key. There are many choices out there, and they aren’t all created equal. Look for a partner with expertise in your industry, an understanding of your unique goals with the breadth of solutions to meet them, and a proven track record for helping customers achieve success.

  2. Keep it short: Everyone’s time is short these days; CFOs’ time is miniscule. Make your case concise, presenting a high-level overview of quantifiable results and benefits. Use evidence of past proven success and case studies to support your case.

  3. Speak their language: CFOs respond to numbers, so be able to show how the software will help you create efficiencies, save on costs and contribute to a bigger bottom line. What cost savings will you gain with this technology? Will it help you bring in more leads, generate revenue? How will it impact your team’s outcomes and, to a larger degree, the business? Will the technology replace other, less effective tools or outside vendors, and what are the cost comparison savings? If you can connect the dots between investing in new PR software and saving money, you have a greater chance of getting your CFO to sign off on new software.

  4. Prepare for pushback: Your CFO will inevitably have concerns around risks and other potential business costs. Be ready to answer any questions they may have around hidden implementation or maintenance fees, integration risks, potential disruption to productivity, adoption concerns and time to implement. Above all, be able to explain the need for change, providing the current problems or challenges the new software will solve – and the potential costs of NOT investing in better technology.
Mary Lorenz

Mary Lorenz is Editorial Director at Cision and writes about best practices and thought leadership for marketing, communications and public relations professionals. She has a background in marketing, public relations and journalism and over 15 years of experience in copywriting and content strategy across a variety of platforms, industries and audiences.